Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving tri, training and Ironman 2008

The Thanksgiving Day triathlon went really well. Since the race was backwards I came in first off the run! It was so awesome running into transition having everyone cheer for me. On the bike only two people passed me and I guess I had a faster transition that the girl in second because I placed second overall female! The swim was in a 50 meter pool. Men started the run 5 minutes before women so by the time I got into the pool there were so many people swimming slow it was tough to swim around them. I really wish we had a 50 meter pool to train in at the Y, it makes such a difference.
Friday Brian and I ran 7 miles. We were going to take it easy, but I was feeling good and picked it up to about 7-minute per mile pace and faster at times.
Saturday we did the group bike ride with Tribe, giving us 70 miles on the bike. It was so windy I got blown off the road twice and one person crashed when we biked through the golf course. I had tears in my eyes twice and wanted to give up so bad. This kind of training only makes me stronger though, and I'm glad I pushed through. We had a nice cozy Thanksgiving weekend dinner in Prescott that night, and I was happy to fill up on turkey and stuffing after the long hard bike.
Sunday Brian and I ran for two hours at moderate pace. I think it ended up about 15 or 16 miles. I felt great. I am so ready for the marathon!
This Sunday is Tucson half marathon and my goal is to finish in under 1:40.
Oh... and I signed up for Ironman Arizona 2008 today. In one year I will be an Ironman...or woman!

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