Saturday, February 2, 2008

Staying injury free

I started out this week with an unexpected injury. Sunday morning Brian and I ran down to Kiwanis Park for the Tri Devils 5K. I didn't want to race because we had just done the marathon two weeks back, so I watched Brian and stood in the cold rain. All of a sudden when I was standing there a spot around my groin started to ache. It was a strange feeling and it hurt pretty bad when standing there and when running. Later on we went swimming and it hurt pretty bad then too. Monday morning I woke up and there was a nice sized bump down there. I went to urgent care that afternoon and found out I had strained my inguinal ligament. I was pretty down, since the doctor told me to take it easy for 5 or 6 days. I did a short run and swim that day. As the week progressed, and with ice every day, it started to feel better. It still hurts a bit today, but the pain is almost gone. The doctor told me this injury is common in triathletes because it is an over-use injury. With all the training we do it is common for our bodies to get upset sometimes.
Today I biked up South Mountain for the first time. It wasn't as tough as I thought it would be. I've heard so much about how hard it is, so I think I worked myself up to thinking it was an impossible goal for me to achieve. But today I did it! To top it off, I ran 8 miles afterwards at a pretty quick pace. I feel good, except now I have a headache.
Today Brian also started a blog. check it out, he is a pretty interesting, funny guy. Thats why I love him so much! He is tracking his 5th Ironman training on this blog, or so he says.
Tomorrow will be a long run with the Gage Total Training group. I'm so happy I am feeling awesome again running after the marathon. Now if only I felt so awesome on the bike and swim!

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