It's been a long time since my last post, but I've been SUPER busy concentrating on training!!!
5 more short weeks!!! Training for Ironman Arizona is going very well... the only thing that is NOT going well is the fact that I still can't shed the weight I gained from my IT band injury after Ironman last year that caused me to be unable to run for 6 months. It's beginning to bother me a lot, because I am always so hungry I end up eating too much! I am trying to control my diet, but seriously, training 20+ hours a week makes me want to eat everything in sight! Ugh, it is very frustrating. This is a very personal struggle I'm opening up on my blog, but it's what is going on in my mind right now. I am thankful though that I am able to run, and would rather be 10 lbs overweight then be unable to run.
This issue is one giant hurdle that I need to jump over, because it is affecting my desire to train and race. I don't feel good running, I don't like how my tri shorts and top fit, I feel uncomfortable on the bike and I don't like being in my swim suit. I try to push these thoughts out of my head when I train and just concentrate on getting my workouts in. I am getting faster and stronger, but I just feel yucky most of the time.
Besides this issue, I have felt great during Ironman training lately. I've gotten a lot of long century rides in and long runs, bricks and more swims. I've been participating in the splash and dash race series at Tempe Town Lake every other Thursday, which I hope will help my open water swimming, and I am doing the SOMA half Ironman triathlon this Sunday which takes place on the IMAZ course. Work is also going well, and the weather finally isn't in the 100's.
Time to go to bed! I will update after SOMA this weekend.