Anthem Sprint Triathlon
This race was on Saturday of Labor Day weekend. I signed up last minute like I do most sprints because I barely take them seriously. Typically I use them as speed work training days for longer races, but this time I had a different feeling. I was really excited, which again is very rare for me for a sprint tri. The race was backwards, so we started with a 5K run, then transitioned to a 12 mile bike, and then a 300 meter swim. The race took place at the Anthem Country Club which is a beautiful location. The run was a mass start, but was also in waves of 1oo people. I started in the first wave. I was excited because I know I'm a fast runner, so finally I could come out of the first event in the lead pack instead of in the middle somewhere trying to gain ground the rest of the race. When the gun went off it was a little jammed on the skinny bike path they had us running on so I went a little slower then I would have like to, but after a couple minutes things spread out a bit and I found myself in second place with the first place girl right in front of me. I was fine with that. I could pass her on the bike anyway, I thought, but then my legs started moving faster and I was feeling great so I picked it up and passed her. The run course was downhill for the first mile or so and then we turned around for an uphill. I ran my butt off trying to make up for lost time in the beginning where I was jammed with all the guys. I came into transition so happy! Everyone was cheering for me and screaming my name and I thought... what the heck?!?!?!?!?! This is so weird! I got on my bike and started hammering away at the bike course with the thought in my mind that I didn't have to run after so who cares how my legs felt! The course was hilly and three laps. Cones were set up so we only had the bike lane on some parts and some of the guys out there were being really annoying, passing me and then slowing down. I hate that! The whole bike course I was so nervous that I would get passed, but for some reason this time I REALLY didn't want to get passed. Usually I have it in my head that I stink on the bike so I ASSUME that people will start blowing by me... but they didn't! I came into transition still in first place!!!!!! I was amazed. I couldn't believe it! I threw off my helmet and shoes, grabbed my swim cap and awkwardly ran into the pool area trying to put them on. I jumped into the pool and was again amazed that I felt fine swimming after all that pushing! I glided through the swim, getting stuck in some of the men ahead of me of course that were practically drowning in the pool. I even got kicked in the face once, but what better Ironman training could I ask for then that?!?! I crossed the finishline and probably didn't look very excited at all because I couldn't believe it. After being injured for the better half of this year after Ironman and not being able to run for 6 whole months, I don't think I ever believed I would WIN a triathlon... be it a sprint or not. I walked over to get some food and the girl behind the counter told me she thought I was amazing. Again, I didn't know what to say. I think I whispered Thanks and went to sit down and eat a banana. I was happy and giddy all day long after that, and it was the best feeling in the world!
I think I was meant to do this race because of what happened to me at Barb's race, and how my emotions were all over the place for a while because I was dealing with some personal things. I think it is way worth it during Ironman training to switch around your schedule a tiny bit just once or twice to get some local sprint triathons in because it not only boosts your menatlity when you finish strong and feeling energized, but gets in that speed work I know a lot of long course junkies like myself pretty much dispise! I will write about the Prescott Valley Sprint Triathlon in my next race report after I get some photos, but yes, it too was awesome!
I am on Cloud 9!!
Can't wait for Ironman Arizona!