I've had a feeling something was going to happen the past few weeks, and last Thursday it did. My God mother and aunt Marla had a massive heart attack and is in ICU in Seattle. She has been sick for a very long time, since she was a little girl, with type 1 diabetes and has been in and out of hospitals her entire life. If there is one person in the world I relate to more than anyone else it is her. We have always had an unsaid connection and she is like a second mother to me. She has always lived far away, and I have only seen her probably 10 times in my life, but each time I see her it feels like we've never been apart. So you can understand how upset I was when my mom told me Thursday that she was sick. A few hours later I had bought an airplane ticket to go see her in Seattle, and I met my mom, sister and grandma in the airport after we landed (they came from Chicago).
As bad as the situation is, I am so thankful I had the chance to spend time with my family. I dont remember the last time we were all together like that, and it's amazing the support we provide each other. I don't know what or where I would be if it wasn't for each one of them. My mom, aunt, grandma and sister have all made me who I am in their own special ways and I couldn't be more thankful for that.
It was a handful taking care of my grandma for the weekend, she was a mess and crying all the time. My sister and I kept her smiling and laughing as much as we could. I told her she is the best multi-tasker I know because she is always crying and laughing at the same time! I miss her so much and I wish she was spending the last years of her life happier than she is. She's so stressed taking care of my step-grampa who struggles with lymphoma and is currently undergoing rehabilitation for pneumonia back in Wisconsin. Her brother also recently had his leg amputated. My grandma is one of the strongest people I know - not to mention adorable.
Seeing my aunt in the ICU wasn't as devistating as I had expected. We visited her once a day for the three days I was in town. She had tubes everywhere and was very tired and weak, but we made her laugh and smile anyway by talking about shopping and telling her stories. Today she will have an echo-cardiogram done and we will know for sure the damage. The doctor said things are looking up and she may be able to return to a somewhat normal life after this. I sure hope so. She e-mails me every day and I feel so lonely without her lovely e-mails.
As you can guess, I've struggled keeping up with training the past few weeks. I don't remember the last time I went on a long bike or run, but at least I get something in every other day. When things settle down, and after we move, I'll get back into the swing of things and right into Ironman training. But for now, family is first, training is second, and thats what it will always be. And who knows, maybe thats what I need since I was in such a rut after Lake Havasu Tri. As they say, everything happens for a reason.