It has been two weeks today since Ironman and I've been having a blast with my friends and settling into my new job while taking some off time from intense training. I have to say that I am very happy here! I love my friends, my job and I start school January 26!
I have been sticking mainly to biking and swimming because when I tried to run last week the back of my knee started to hurt so I have been taking it easy on the running. I'm going to go for a short run outside today and see how it feels, but it is freezing outside!!! It has been snowing like crazy the past week!!! I forgot how you have to start your car early, shovel the driveway to get out and plan for extra time to get where you are going! This is going to take some time for me to get used to since I haven't had to deal with snow for the past 5 years!

Christmas is coming up fast! I feel like it was just November and it's already December 7! It's crazy how fast time flies when you are busy. When I was alone in Colorado each day seemed like a year, but now that I have people and things that consume my days time flies!!! I have to start Christmas shopping because before I know it Christmas will be here! I think I will wait a week though... at least until I get paid again because Ironman drained my bank account!!! I also need to buy some winter clothes because all I have are tank tops and that just isn't working out too well!! I've also been sick the past week with a terrible cold and let me just say swimming with a cough and runny nose is NO FUN!!! And it's pretty discusting!
Im going to do the Lifetime Fitness Raindeer Run 5k on Dec. 14. I'm excited for it and I'm going to dress up! Hopefully nothing hurts by then and I can just have fun! I keep seeing photos of people who did Ironman that are already racing triathlon again!!! I think they are crazy. There is NO WAY they are recovered enough already to be racing again. I am going to take a month recovery time and ease back into everything. No injuries please!!!!!!
1 comment:
You sound great! I am so happy for you! So glad job is going well and you are enjoying time with friends! This is TOTALLY the time to enjoy life and put obsessive training on the shelf....at least I did that this weekend!
Funny that I got sick last week too; over Thanksgiving weekend and til middle of the past week; ugh! Ironman must break down the immune system.
Sorry your knee is hurting; maybe get a massage if you have not yet, and make sure your shoes are still good. Get some of the Tissue Rejuvenator from Hammer; good stuff!
Take care and enjoy December!
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