I looked at the results from the Freedom Run 5K I did on July 4 and found out I placed first in the 20-29 age group out of 50 people. I also got 9th female overall out of 350, which is awesome. I am happy that my run is finally feeling better at elevation! On Thursday Brian and I will leave for the drive down to Phoenix. We will be doing the Mountain Man Triathlon in Flagstaff on Sunday, but want to stop and see our friends and family in Phoenix before the race. I'm pretty sure I will do the half Ironman distance, but I am apprehensive because I am doing the 5430 half Iroman three weeks later, and then a sprint distance in Steamboat Springs two weeks after that. I have quite a busy schedule coming up, but I am excited for it. It will all help my training for Ironman Arizona.
Yesterday was my 23rd birthday! Although I was alone for the majority of the day I had a great time! Fridays are my off day from training, so I had the whole day to do whatever I want! In the morning I took Hannah to Wag N Wash and she got a nice bath and her nails clipped. We also got a new toy for $3. Hannah got pampered on my birthday - haha - but it was so fun! Then I dropped her off to nap and I headed to the Cherry Creek Mall in Denver. I shopped at Nordstrom with a gift card, bought a purple tank top and some new make-up. I talked to the Estee Lauder girl about my Aunt Marla forever... everytime I go to Nordstrom I just cant help but think of her the whole time! We love Nordstrom, it's the BEST! Anyway, then I went to Dick's Sporting Goods and used another gift card. I got a new running outfit, new biking outfit, new goggles and some gels. It felt so awesome to be able to buy new stuff. I don't remember the last time I went shopping and actually bought things I WANT and don't necessarily NEED! It was great! Brian and I went to dinner at Elephant Bar later on in the night and lot s and lots of friends and family called me all day. All in all, it was a great birthday considering the lonely circumstances!
Today I finally met Laura, the girl who found my blog a couple months ago and contacted me by e-mail. She just moved to the Denver area as well and is also doing Ironman Arizona. I'm so glad I will have someone to train on the bike with. It will make me get out there and get some miles in since we all know biking is not my favorite thing! So, thanks Laura and I look forward to training with you some more! Today Laura met us at our apartment in Lakewood and followed us up to Boulder to meet Jane and George and their friend, Patrick, for a bike and run. I felt so much better than last weekend, when I crashed on a road that was under construction and really just felt like crap all day! Today was great. It was fun and some good training, so I am really excited to get out there for all my upcoming races!
Something is wrong with my Felt since I fell on it last weekend and I am pretty sad about it. Hopefully I can get it fixed this weekend (Brian will help me) so I can use it at Mountain Man. Otherwise I will be stuck with my training bike at the race. So much for riding my race bike on training rides... I'm not going to do that as much anymore!
Well, it's time to get some sleep! I am planning shorter bike and long run tomorrow morning, after I take Hannah on her morning walk of course!
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