It's been a while since my last post and the biggest reason for that is I am trying to take it easy on my knee (little to no running) in order to recover from this pain-in-the-butt injury I am dealing with. My workouts have been pretty boring lately as I have pretty much gone into maintenance mode for two reasons; one being recovery and two being the ridiculously cold and snowy weather in Chicago. I have found myself "Arizona sick" as I am calling it because it's not exactly home sick. Although AZ was my home for five years, I still believe IL is my true home since I lived here for 18 years! The cold winter weather is starting to take it's toll on my emotions and I'm getting depressed that I cannot workout outdoors or even be outdoors for an extended period of time. I am a lot more hungry here too because my body is cold and just wants comfort food (FAT!!) and I have less desire to workout (hard to believe I know). I haven't been swimming as much as I would like to be because I am always cold and I never feel like getting in the water. I would just rather get hot and sweaty in the gym because it makes me feel good. Getting out of the pool and freezing does not feel good... not to mention I have to spend the time showering and drying my hair afterward because I don't want to get sick in the cold with wet hair! How annoying! I have also been busy with work and spending time with friends. Since I never went out to bars or did anything fun in the past year and a half, I am not used to staying up late with my friends and family here in IL! My schedule is all thrown off because I was used to going to bed around 10 or 11 each night and getting up early for w

One good thing that has happened over the holidays is that I finally have a bike trainer in the basement... HOWEVER of course one of the knobs has to be broken so I'm going to take it back when the roads clear up from the snow and get a different one. For now I've been using the one I have which is a Performance Bike brand fluid trainer. I am happy to have it downstairs so I don't have to go to the gym to use the spin bikes every time I want to ride. It's easy to pop in a movie and play loud music in the basement.
Today I went to an 8 a.m. spin class at Lifetime and I met a girl who does Ironman. I told her how sad I was about the weather (it's really snowy and yucky out today) and how I miss biking outdoors. I also complained a bit about feeling alone out here because I don't know anyone that does triathlon. She assured me that there is a huge triathlon community here because of Ironman Wisconsin, and that everyone will come out of hibernation in the spring. THANK GOD! That was music to my ears! She also told me they have open water splash and dash's in Crystal Lake on Wednesday nights when the weather gets warm and that also put a huge smile on my face! And when she said there are group rides on Saturdays starting in the spring my day was made! I'm was so happy to talk to this girl, Tracy I believe she said her name was, and I really hope we run into eachother again so I can start making some triathlete friends!
School starts on January 26 and I am excited for that. It will help keep me from going insane during this horrible winter weather because I know I will be VERY busy. I will be working M-F from 2-6 p.m. and then going to school from 6:30-9 p.m. afterward on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
The holidays were great and I was very glad to be home around family and friends again. I can't be

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