I started a new blog
See you all there!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Mrs. Folts

Well, I am officially Mrs. Corinne Therese Folts now! Our wedding was absolutely amazing, and I am so glad it came together the way it did that day. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Everyone told me to cherish the moment, because the day goes by so fast... and they were right. One moment I was standing up there saying I do, and the next thing I know I'm home again in my house and everything is over. The morning after my wedding we got up at 5 a.m. and I went and raced the Tri for the Cure sprint Triathlon in Chandler. I know, CRAZY. But it was worth it and I had fun. I was so tired from dancing and being up all night but I just raced for fun and Brian was on every corner cheering for me. By the time I got to the really short run my legs were toast so I just ran easy and ended up third overall anyway... awesome! We got back to our beautiful honeymoon suite at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort by 9:30 a.m. and got to enjoy the rest of our morning. I ended up chasing some kids up and down the slides like a huge dork all afternoon, and also ate some Rocky Mountain Oysters (Bull balls) with my crazy family that night at Rawhide for dinner. It took some convincing, but hey, I guess I cave to peer pressure easily. They weren't THAT bad I guess :)~
Last weekend we went up to St. George Utah because Brian raced Ironman St. George. It is definitely beautiful up there... but I don't know if I will ever do that race. On Friday, the day before the race, Shawna and I decided to ride one loop of the course (56 miles) and man was it WINDY!! It took us over 3 hours to do it, and I think if I would have done this race my bike split would have been around 7 hours... it is crazy hilly and windy with just as crazy descents as climbs. And the run is even worse!!! We did have so much fun watching Brian and Adam race on Saturday though, and I think the most fun I had was going back at 11 p.m. to watch the last finishers come in between 16 and 17 hours! It was amazing! It was like a party down there! Music was playing loud, the sky was dark, everything was lit up and the crowd was dancing and screaming! It was one of the best Ironman experiences of my life and I cant believe I've never watched the last people come in before! I always just go home and bury myself in ice for the night... but I will definitely go back at every race and watch until the 17 hour cut-off from now on. How amazingly dedicated those people are to be out there for 17 hours to finish that race. Wow!
Also congratulations to Julie Dunkle and Kevin Sullivan from my Erin Bakers Triathlon Team who totally rocked the race! Enjoy Kona 2010!
Well, we are off to Hawaii tomorrow at 8 a.m. for our honeymoon! I have one day here in Phoenix between St. George and Hawaii and I spent most of it on my bike because I wont be seeing it for another week. It was really nice to have a Monday off to do whatever I want!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Good news, bad news, great news, any news....?
It's been quite a while since my last post, and I've have to admit I've had a lot of ups and downs and was fearful of writing a post in fear I would sound crazy. Yes, I even started to believe I was going crazy after a while!
I started going to Spooner Physical Therapy in February and seeing Michelle, a therapist recommended to me by multiple friends who also suffered running injuries. She has been great. I've been doing a lot of single leg strength work there, which has made a huge difference in my running. Pretty much, I am weaker on my left side, and my left leg is always a little longer then my right leg, even after I am adjusted an manipulated to heck! I absolutely detest doing strength training, so seeing Michelle twice a week forces me to do it, and the benefits are worth giving up a couple hours a week. I've also been taking Regal Zyme, which is a combination of enzymes, antioxidents and nutrients that aid in the reduction of inflammation, as well as Chicken Collagen which also aids in just that. These products were recommended to me by a patient at the chiropractic office I work at, and have also really made huge difference in how I feel. Check out these products. I just love them. By the way... today I ran 90 minutes straight for the first time in over three months!!!
So on the training side, things are looking up. I am getting stronger, and now need to concentrate on getting in shape now that I am pain free. Time to get serious, but be careful at the same time and take good care of myself.
On a side note, I am getting married in three weeks!!! Things have been nuts, but I do have the best family and friends in the whole world. I can't wait to share pictures and stories from our special day. It is going to be just wonderful. They are even going to let our dog, Hannah, be in the wedding as the ring bearer! Two weeks ago I was home in Chicago for my wedding shower/bachelorette party, and this weekend I'm doing it all over again in Arizona! I am a little sad because I planned on doing the Bartlett Lake olympic triathlon on Sunday, but I honestly dont think I'll make it there after a bachelorette party on Saturday night. Well, everything happens for a reason, and maybe it's just not time for me to race yet. When August rolls around, I will be ready for Boulder 70.3! But for now, I'm going to have fun, get married, cheer my new hubby on at St. Geroge Ironman, enjoy my honeymoon in HAWAII (AHHH!) and then work my tail off to get FAST.
Till next time,
I started going to Spooner Physical Therapy in February and seeing Michelle, a therapist recommended to me by multiple friends who also suffered running injuries. She has been great. I've been doing a lot of single leg strength work there, which has made a huge difference in my running. Pretty much, I am weaker on my left side, and my left leg is always a little longer then my right leg, even after I am adjusted an manipulated to heck! I absolutely detest doing strength training, so seeing Michelle twice a week forces me to do it, and the benefits are worth giving up a couple hours a week. I've also been taking Regal Zyme, which is a combination of enzymes, antioxidents and nutrients that aid in the reduction of inflammation, as well as Chicken Collagen which also aids in just that. These products were recommended to me by a patient at the chiropractic office I work at, and have also really made huge difference in how I feel. Check out these products. I just love them. By the way... today I ran 90 minutes straight for the first time in over three months!!!
So on the training side, things are looking up. I am getting stronger, and now need to concentrate on getting in shape now that I am pain free. Time to get serious, but be careful at the same time and take good care of myself.
On a side note, I am getting married in three weeks!!! Things have been nuts, but I do have the best family and friends in the whole world. I can't wait to share pictures and stories from our special day. It is going to be just wonderful. They are even going to let our dog, Hannah, be in the wedding as the ring bearer! Two weeks ago I was home in Chicago for my wedding shower/bachelorette party, and this weekend I'm doing it all over again in Arizona! I am a little sad because I planned on doing the Bartlett Lake olympic triathlon on Sunday, but I honestly dont think I'll make it there after a bachelorette party on Saturday night. Well, everything happens for a reason, and maybe it's just not time for me to race yet. When August rolls around, I will be ready for Boulder 70.3! But for now, I'm going to have fun, get married, cheer my new hubby on at St. Geroge Ironman, enjoy my honeymoon in HAWAII (AHHH!) and then work my tail off to get FAST.
Till next time,
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
February update!
This month is going to be crazy! My parents are in town tomorrow through the weekend to help with wedding planning, and we have our first walk through and sign for our house next week! Things have been super busy and I am really tired all the time! But everything is so exciting so it's ok! I'll be going home the first weekend in March, and then the wedding is in April. THEN Brian is doing Ironman St. George the first Sunday in May, we go on our honeymoon, then 70.3 Boulder in August and Ironman Arizona in November. 2010 is going to be busy busy, but a great year.
On the training/injury front, things are looking up! Yesterday I did my first 50 minute run since December 27th and it went great - besides the fact I was so tired and felt like I have never run before in my life - NO KNEE PAIN!!! I've been doing Bikram Yoga three times a week. Yes this has cut into my training time, but it's off season and it's worth it because it has helped me so much. As of now, my plan is to keep adding time onto my longer runs every other day or so, with recovery runs in between, as well as swims, bikes, yoga, strength, chiropractic and PT. I'm keeping my head up and a positive attitude (most of the time! I'm doing my best here!)
I've also added two masters swim classes, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and hopefully it will help my swim this year. Fingers crossed! I can use all the help I can get on the swim.
One thing I have gotten back into this week is peertrainer.com. I really like this site because it helps me stay on track with my training and diet, and I can log how I feel each day which is nice to have to look back on. I really recommend using this site if you dont have some other sort of log you like. I've used it in the past and loved it, but now that I was injured again, I really need to evaluate my nutrition and training and stay as healthy as possible.
More good news - I agreed to race for Erin Baker's Triathlon Team for two more years! A new sponsor we picked up is Oakley, which is super exciting! I am stoked to have some sweet shades instead of my old cheapos, however I always seem to loose/break any kind of nice sunglasses I have ever owned, so I will say a short prayer to God here to help me keep the new ones alive.
There is a sprint triathlon the last weekend of the month. If I am healthy again, I will be there racing. I hope I will be healthy because some fun races are coming up and I haven't had the opportunity to race Olympic distance in quite some time. I look forward to that distance, though I've never had great luck with it, it is challenging and I like that.
Until next time
On the training/injury front, things are looking up! Yesterday I did my first 50 minute run since December 27th and it went great - besides the fact I was so tired and felt like I have never run before in my life - NO KNEE PAIN!!! I've been doing Bikram Yoga three times a week. Yes this has cut into my training time, but it's off season and it's worth it because it has helped me so much. As of now, my plan is to keep adding time onto my longer runs every other day or so, with recovery runs in between, as well as swims, bikes, yoga, strength, chiropractic and PT. I'm keeping my head up and a positive attitude (most of the time! I'm doing my best here!)
I've also added two masters swim classes, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and hopefully it will help my swim this year. Fingers crossed! I can use all the help I can get on the swim.
One thing I have gotten back into this week is peertrainer.com. I really like this site because it helps me stay on track with my training and diet, and I can log how I feel each day which is nice to have to look back on. I really recommend using this site if you dont have some other sort of log you like. I've used it in the past and loved it, but now that I was injured again, I really need to evaluate my nutrition and training and stay as healthy as possible.
More good news - I agreed to race for Erin Baker's Triathlon Team for two more years! A new sponsor we picked up is Oakley, which is super exciting! I am stoked to have some sweet shades instead of my old cheapos, however I always seem to loose/break any kind of nice sunglasses I have ever owned, so I will say a short prayer to God here to help me keep the new ones alive.
There is a sprint triathlon the last weekend of the month. If I am healthy again, I will be there racing. I hope I will be healthy because some fun races are coming up and I haven't had the opportunity to race Olympic distance in quite some time. I look forward to that distance, though I've never had great luck with it, it is challenging and I like that.
Until next time
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Bigger than triathlon...
This is something I've had to keep on reminding myself of the past month during this injury that has caused me to be unable to run. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and I keep reminding myself that there is more to me than triathlon.
I used to think the only thing that make me happy was running, biking, swimming. Here are some of the things that make me happy:
Sleeping in and cuddling
Taking long walks/hikes with my dog Hannah
Bikram Yoga
Dinner at a GOOD restaurant
A really funny movie or comedy show
Spending time and laughing with the most important people in my life
Talking on the phone with old/best friends and family, or even better seeing them
My new house
My wedding dress
Planning my wedding
Learning about the latest and greatest in health and wellness
Using my knowledge to help people and see it impact lives
A good martini once in a while
Dressing up (again, only once in a while, i prefer sweats)
Watching snow fall in the Rocky Mountains
Like I said, everything happens for a reason, and I think this injury is happening so I learn to respect and cherish the things in my life that make me happy, other then triathon. Sometimes we get so caught up in the training and ourselves, that we push other things away resulting in an imbalanced life.
For now, balance is the goal. I have faith that restoring the balance in my life will heal my injury and I'll be running long again in no time. I am lucky to have wonderful people in my life to keep me going.
Thank all of you, and God above.
I used to think the only thing that make me happy was running, biking, swimming. Here are some of the things that make me happy:
Sleeping in and cuddling
Taking long walks/hikes with my dog Hannah
Bikram Yoga
Dinner at a GOOD restaurant
A really funny movie or comedy show
Spending time and laughing with the most important people in my life
Talking on the phone with old/best friends and family, or even better seeing them
My new house
My wedding dress
Planning my wedding
Learning about the latest and greatest in health and wellness
Using my knowledge to help people and see it impact lives
A good martini once in a while
Dressing up (again, only once in a while, i prefer sweats)
Watching snow fall in the Rocky Mountains
Like I said, everything happens for a reason, and I think this injury is happening so I learn to respect and cherish the things in my life that make me happy, other then triathon. Sometimes we get so caught up in the training and ourselves, that we push other things away resulting in an imbalanced life.
For now, balance is the goal. I have faith that restoring the balance in my life will heal my injury and I'll be running long again in no time. I am lucky to have wonderful people in my life to keep me going.
Thank all of you, and God above.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Good Running Gone Bad
I regret to inform EVERYONE that the injury I thought I had shaken has yet returned. I guess that because there are so many good things going on in my life (getting married in April, buying a house, having a great job, dog, fiance and family) that one thing had to go wrong. Of course it has to be the one thing I want to do most. It's pretty safe to say that if I was told I had an hour to live, and could pick one thing to do in that hour, I would run. I've heard most people would pick sex, but not me. I would pick running.
Well, I was planning on doing the Rock N Roll Arizona marathon this January, but it looks like my knee can't handle more then 20 minutes of running right now, so it's pretty much out of the question. As of now I am trying to be the most positive I can be. I got all my tears out, and now I am sucking it up, acting positive and appreciating all the wonderful things I DO have in my life. I am blessed and thankful for so many things, it's crazy for me to go lock myself and shut down in depression because I can't run again. I WILL get better with smart, careful recovery training and the plan is to run the Ragnar relay in the end of February.
Brian will do the marathon and I will be there at the finish to cheer him on. He's going for a PR of 2:50 this year! What an amazing runner he is, duck running form and all :)~
Well, I was planning on doing the Rock N Roll Arizona marathon this January, but it looks like my knee can't handle more then 20 minutes of running right now, so it's pretty much out of the question. As of now I am trying to be the most positive I can be. I got all my tears out, and now I am sucking it up, acting positive and appreciating all the wonderful things I DO have in my life. I am blessed and thankful for so many things, it's crazy for me to go lock myself and shut down in depression because I can't run again. I WILL get better with smart, careful recovery training and the plan is to run the Ragnar relay in the end of February.
Brian will do the marathon and I will be there at the finish to cheer him on. He's going for a PR of 2:50 this year! What an amazing runner he is, duck running form and all :)~
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