I'd like to start this blog off with a little prayer:
On Saturday Laura and I sucessfully completed about 80 miles of biking around Aurora, but it was the windiest bike ride I have ever done. Laura said it was worse than Ironman wind, and that if we could get through that ride that we could definately get through Ironman. The first 40 miles were just fine, as the wind was on our back and I was flying along at ridiculous speeds and hardly working. Then as we turned around the wind hit us and we had 40 miles to go back home! At times we were going 6 mph against the wind uphill. I swear I could feel the wind pushing the skin on my face back like you'd see in a movie. My quads were killing me as my rpms were probably around 50 and all we were using was the power in our legs to fight the wind. At one point my knees started to lock up too, but I just kept telling myself that I could do it. I started making up words to Rihanna's Disturbia song in my head. "No more gas in my legs, can't even get them started. All this wind against my head, trying to push though it. There's a hill up ahead... feels like I'm going insane!!!!" I kept singing that over and over as I pushed! Finally we made it back to Laura's and I laced up my running shoes and ran for an hour! I felt so good, it had to be a miracle! I even finished the run with some energy left in my tank! I was so happy and I kept telling myself "You ARE going to be an Ironman!"
Laura and I went to dinner at Whole Foods and I ate a lot so I wouldn't feel like I did last weekend on my Sunday run after I missed dinner on Saturday because I fell asleep. And I'm so glad I did because today I ran for 2 1/2 hours like the wind and I felt great!
Ironman is a mind game... and I am ready to play it!
Four weeks left till the big day!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I did it!
I am so proud to tell you that yesterday I successfully completed 113 miles on the bike and a 35 minute T-run afterwards! I cant even begin to explain how awesome I felt after 8 hours of working out and how excited I am for Ironman. I am so thankful to Laura for making me do this ride as I am no longer nervous, well I should probably say afraid because I will be peeing in my pants with nervousness before the race, to bike 112 miles during Ironman. I have to say I had a few ups and down during the ride though. My new shoes eventually made my toes cramp up inside them after about 80 miles and by crotch hurt like a... well I'm not sure.. but it freakin hurt! I'm going to have to figure out something to do about that crotch thing... and I will probably just wear my old biking shoes and put new cleets on them in order to save my toes! I stayed on top of my nutrition and it payed off. I drank three 24 ounce gatorades, a water bottle and I ate... well more than most people could imagine. I ate every 45 minutes (and a few times in between when my body told me it was time) and my snacks included gels, bananas and clif kid Z bars (amazing by the way!) I also consumed two Endurolites tablets every hour or so and dumped one into my gatorade every time I filled it up. Depending on the race conditions I know I might need more Endurolites and salt, but we will have to wait until race day to determine that (even though I'm sure my pockets will be stuffed with the things nonetheless.)
Today I ran for two hours and six minutes, and felt really tired but I pushed through. It was probably because I fell asleep before I could eat a good dinner last night after my long day. I will be sure to never make that mistake again! Today I went to Souper Salad and made up for it with lots of veggies, fruit, salad, soup, cornbread (oh yeah I know you're jealous I can eat this much.) Sometimes I can't even believe how much I eat, and I can't believe I'm not 500 pounds. But I know it's what my body needs so I'll get over the fact that I feel like a human garbage disposal.
I also spent time at the library today reading other triathlete's blogs and race reports for past Ironman Arizona races. I actually cried when I was reading them because it is just so amazing. In the past, IMAZ was held in April and known for brutal heat and winds. I (as I'm sure all athletes) are praying for better conditions in this November race. Anyway the weather pans out... I will be mentally ready to take on this challenge and I know I will become an Ironman... I can just feel it!
Tomorrow I plan on swimming long again and I am also planning on taking a few Bikram yoga classes again in these final weeks before the race to loosen up my muscles. Bikram is amazing and i miss sweating my butt off in those classes.
More to come!
Today I ran for two hours and six minutes, and felt really tired but I pushed through. It was probably because I fell asleep before I could eat a good dinner last night after my long day. I will be sure to never make that mistake again! Today I went to Souper Salad and made up for it with lots of veggies, fruit, salad, soup, cornbread (oh yeah I know you're jealous I can eat this much.) Sometimes I can't even believe how much I eat, and I can't believe I'm not 500 pounds. But I know it's what my body needs so I'll get over the fact that I feel like a human garbage disposal.
I also spent time at the library today reading other triathlete's blogs and race reports for past Ironman Arizona races. I actually cried when I was reading them because it is just so amazing. In the past, IMAZ was held in April and known for brutal heat and winds. I (as I'm sure all athletes) are praying for better conditions in this November race. Anyway the weather pans out... I will be mentally ready to take on this challenge and I know I will become an Ironman... I can just feel it!
Tomorrow I plan on swimming long again and I am also planning on taking a few Bikram yoga classes again in these final weeks before the race to loosen up my muscles. Bikram is amazing and i miss sweating my butt off in those classes.
More to come!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Pushing Through
It is only 11:30 a.m. and today has already been a great day! I woke up to a phone call from Roosevelt University telling me I was accepted into grad school! Then I took my bike over to the shop to get my aero bars raised a bit and a speedometer put on. I am also going to look for new cycling shoes today as well. My shoes are old and they suck! Tomorrow I am biking 112 miles with Laura and her friend. I thought I would be nervous, as I have never attempted this distance before, but I am actually really excited to get out there and see how it will feel. It's good Ironman practice and I am looking forward to the pain... no really I am!
I will probably take Hannah on a long walk or hike on a trail today as it is my off day and I want to be rested for tomorrows long haul. I am still pretty bored here in Colorado otherwise and cant wait to move. Thirteen days until my parents get here! Feels like forever!
More to come and update on the long bike ride later!
I will probably take Hannah on a long walk or hike on a trail today as it is my off day and I want to be rested for tomorrows long haul. I am still pretty bored here in Colorado otherwise and cant wait to move. Thirteen days until my parents get here! Feels like forever!
More to come and update on the long bike ride later!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bad weather...

Today I was supposed to do a long ride with Laura, but the weather is really yucky! It has been really cold and rainy all day, so this morning we decided that we are going to ride on Monday and let the weekend weather push through. So, instead of biking today I ran for 2 1/2 hours in the rain. I am a little disappointed, though, because my hip is still bothering me. I really don't know what to do anymore! It feels more like a hip flexor thing now. It's not getting worse, but it's not getting better either. I made it 2 1/2 hours but it was painful. I am going to pray that it starts feeling better soon... PLEASE GOD! I've been laying off from the miles I normally put in and even take more days off, but it's not seeming to help. I guess I am going to continue to ice, stretch and rest as much as possible, but come on I have an Ironman coming up! I really, really REALLY hope that it feels better before the race - otherwise no Ironman for me and that would be a real bummer... :(

It's boring out here, and I don't have internet in my apartment so I have to go to the library every day! Last night I rented the Sex and the City movie and Hannah and I watched it and cuddled on the couch. I bought some new candles too, so it was nice and relaxing. Tonight we will go for a walk, and maybe, just maybe, I'll call my sister. We've had some misunderstandings lately, but I really hope we can work them out and spend some time together before I move to Illinois. Less than three weeks away now and I can't wait!
All for now,
Friday, October 10, 2008
A new horizon...

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I've written a new post but I've been really busy! A lot of things in my life are changing and I am so excited to tell you about them!
First of all my trip home was awesome. Danielle was the most beautiful bride I've ever seen and I had a great time (and totally don't regret spending the money for the plane ticket!) A couple hours after I got off the plane on Thursday, September 25 I drove to St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Algonquin for the wedding rehearsal. Seei
ng Danielle and her family was so fun, as well as seeing some friends I haven't seen in a while (aka Christine!) After the rehearsal we went to Lu Malnoti's (probably spelled wrong) and drank wine and ate pizza (it's the best there!). Danielle gave us all purple sparkly purses to match our bridesmaid dresses and then we called it a night. On Friday, the day of the wedding, I worked out in the morning and then had my mom drive me over to Shannon's so she could do my hair. Her sister was cleaning up toilet paper because it was homecoming weekend at the high school I went to and it's a traditon to toilet paper people's houses (I know, its wierd) so I was laughing at her. After we were ready we walked down the street to Danielle's house where Christine was the first one to cry. Danielle looked so beautiful! Her dress was awesome and covered in Swarovski crystals (I'm jealous). We took pictures for a while and then hung out waiting for the limo that ended up being late! Once we got to the church we quickly cleaned the lipstick off Danielle's teeth (I guess it runs in the family, sorry D) before she walked down the aisle. The ceremony was beautiful and I even did a reading. I was really nervous though and forgot to turn the page for Danielle's mom (oops). After the ceremony, and more pictures of course, we crammed in the limo for some drinking and fun on the way to the reception! I was all smiles and it felt so good to be home with my friends. When we got to the Stongate we took more pictures and then danced and drank, of course, all night. It was so fun! Actually, I think I was the only person on the dance floor from the first song to the last song.. what can I say, some things never change :) When the reception ended Christine and I decided we weren't finished yet and went to Bandito's (a samll bar in my home town) in our dresses. All in all I had a great time at the wedding and wish Danielle and Adam a happy marraige! I bet they had a blast in whatever islands they went to (cant remember sorry!) for their honeymoon!

On Saturday I went up to Racine, WI for my cousin Tia's 12th birthday. I had so much fun seeing my family that I haven't seen in a long time and playing badmitton by the lake (they live on Lake Michigan) We also stopped at my grandma's condo and my grampa's apartment on the way home, which was also really nice. For the rest of my vacation I spent my time training at the gym, visiting shools, seeing family (I took my grandma out to
lunch and my dad took me apple picking [awesome]) and friends. I am also really glad that I decided to randomly text Barry (thanks to facebook, I guess it's good for something!) while I was home because I ended up hanging out with him and Tyler most nights. It's funny because I don't remember anything to do at home - any bars or anything anyone does (even the names of the roads!) so it was awesome to have them to take me around! I had so much fun with them :) I also got to see Tiff and her baby, Dylan, on Saturday and lot of other people too (too many to name, sorry!)

Lastly, to make a long story short, yes, Brian and I broke up. The exciting thing is that I am moving back to Chicago (something I should have done a long time ago!) at the end of the month and most likely attending grad school at Roosevelt University (if I get in!). I am SO EXCITED for my life to change and I know in my heart that it is the best thing that could happen to me right now. From being home I know that I am meant to be closer to my family and friends at this time in my life and I couldn't be happier. It is something I just felt inside every day that I was home. It's boring being in Colorado alone right now and these three weeks before I move will be hard, but the thought of what's to come keeps me going! I'm also going to keep up my Ironman training in Colorado so when I move it will be time to taper and less stressful. I'll see everyone in Arizona Nov. 17-25!
More to come!
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